

  • Linux or OSX
  • Julia >= v"1.4" download
  • git (Tested with "version 2.17.1") download
  • Node.js (Tested with "v12.4.0") download - For the optional frontend

Install & run a sample

You need to checkout two repos: The Circo "backend" and the CircoCore.js "frontend".

In terminal #1 (backend)

git clone
cd Circo/
julia --project -e 'using Pkg;Pkg.instantiate()'
bin/ --threads 6 --zygote

This starts a local (in-process) cluster with six schedulers running the sample project.

In terminal #2 (monitoring frontend, optional)

git clone
cd CircoCore.js
npm install
npm run serve

This starts a web server on port 8000. Open http://localhost:8000